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    Short miscellaneous notes

    Ultimate boot CD – diagnostic, testing, and recovery utilities collection

    21st December 2007

    Today, using memtest86, system speed test, hddspeed and some other DOS utilities for diagnosing and testing PC hardware, I decided to put together my own simple bootable utility CD disk. But first, I did some searching to find if something similar exists.

    It does exist – Ultimate boot CD. That CD has numerous freeware testing and diagnosing utilities which will help you – if you are up to some good old (read “small fast”) DOS utilities. And not that old, actually – modern hardware is supported.

    The only modification I’ll do to the Ultimate boot CD will be adding freeware bin/hex viewer/editor. Surely, more utils to come – with original size of just 115MB, there’s plenty of room to add extensions. You can even extend the CD image with non-free software, like Partition Magic.

    P.S. To diagnose and fix software problems – have a look at System Rescue CD.


    Posted in Hardware, Links, Notepad, Software | 1 Comment »

    Windows XP Home Edition: gpedit.msc (group policy) editing via registry

    15th November 2007

    It is possible to install gpedit.msc snap-in for MMC in Windows XP Home Edition. I found the list of necessary files on (in French), which also had the archive of all the necessary (again, French) files and the installation batch-file.

    Warning: you proceed at your own risk. If you do not know what you are doing – please don’t :)

    Download (original) French

    Download English gpedit for windows xp (also in 7zip archive).

    Here are instructions for manual MMC snap-in installation. Original French-version archive had a batch file which does installation automatically, which I also added to the English archive (gpedinst.bat). But you must manually verify that batch file fits your system before running it! It might be safer to follow the instructions manually.

    • Put these files:


      into %SystemRoot%\system32 folder (most often it’s just c:\windows\system32)

    • put these files:


      into %SystemRoot%\system32\GroupPolicy\ADM\ (create if this folder doesn’t exist)

    • finally, run these commands one by one in the CMD window:

      regsvr32 gpedit.dll
      regsvr32 fde.dll
      regsvr32 gptext.dll
      regsvr32 appmgr.dll
      regsvr32 fdeploy.dll

    That should make gpedit.msc callable as Start -> Run -> gpedit.msc.

    Other language versions of the necessary files can be retrieved from corresponding-language installations of WinXP Professional; English version can also be downloaded directly from Microsoft website ( e.g. here , or search for “Group Policy ADM Files” at Also, you can extract necessary files from available Windows distributions: just don’t forget, that “filename.dl_” is a compressed version of “filename.dll”, and can be uncompressed by using XP-bundled extract command.

    See also this comment for alternative gpedit installation (get the file from badongo first), and also this comment for one more explanation of manual installation.

    Geeks corner:

    1. a comprehensive list of the “Group Policy/User Configuration/Administrative Templates” settings in Windows XP Home Edition
    2. an extremely comprehensive Excel sheet, which maps numerous *.adm-file options to their registry equivalents – Group Policy Settings Reference (PolicySettings.xls). This file is for Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003

    Disclaimer: I do not know if modifying (e.g. by adding gpedit) your WinXP HE is a violation of any EULAs. It’s your own responsibility to check this out and comply with any such regulations. Also, be advised that modifying any settings using gpedit.msc on WinXP HE may render some parts of the OS inoperable (in my opinion). You have been warned!


    Posted in how-to, Links, Notepad, Software | 91 Comments »

    DNS troubles?

    1st October 2007

    Today my blog’s domain isn’t resolving to IP address from several worldwide locations. The trouble seems to be with XName, as running nslookup using ns? gives me this:

    DNS server handling your query:
    DNS server’s address:

    ** server can’t find SERVFAIL

    It’s rather strange that all the other domains I have on XName are functioning properly.

    I can’t figure out the reason behind the problem; will keep trying to resolve as soon as possible.

    Update: this is in fact XName-related problem: they are again under DDoS attack.

    The other domains I have at XName might have stayed unaffected thanks to the secondary nameservers; it might have been just the question of the difference in sync times, that caused to expire earlier than other domains.

    It’s a great pity that DDoS attack organizers cannot (yet) be reliably tracked and then punished. Attacking a free web service cannot be explained other than by mental sickness or noticeable loss of profit by some entities…


    Posted in Notepad | 1 Comment »

    PHP proxy

    19th September 2007

    PHP proxy is simple but good. I converted it into a proxy-function for one of my projects.

    Do pay attention to the comments, especially these two:

    I had issues with this script (and others) returning 0 for the bytesTotal in flash. Basically, the Content-Length header was absent from the response. By simply adding
    header(“Content-length: “.strlen($response)) before the echo, it resolved the issue. I don’t know if there is a more appropriate fix to account for character encoding, etc, but it seems to work.

    @Schimmi: Well, if you can add some checks there (like who is referring your script) and allow the access to whitelisted clients (served from your domain)… I think, you can totally make it used applications from same-domain….So it would not be open to world. Yeah above script doesn’t have those things.


    Posted in Links, Notepad, PHP, Programming | No Comments »

    Using Cytoscape from behind an HTTP proxy which requires authentication (authorization)

    14th September 2007

    Cytoscape 2.5.1 supports proxies, including HTTP proxies, but there is no support for HTTP proxies requiring authentication/authorization. It’s easy to use Cytoscape in the authentication-requiring proxy scenario; below is one possible method.

    Note, that exactly the same method can be used to allow any software, which supports proxies but not proxies with authentication, to be able to access the internet.
    Read the rest of this entry »


    Posted in Bioinformatics, Notepad, Science, Software | 1 Comment »

    MySQL – Python: good MySQLdb tutorial (examples)

    7th September 2007

    Andy Dustman (used to blog at gave a presentation on Python and MySQL at the MySQL Users Conference 2005, Santa Clara, CA. The presentation is an excellent collection of examples for those who use the MySQLdb Python module.
    Read the rest of this entry »


    Posted in Links, Notepad, Programming, Python | No Comments »

    Date and time in Python scripts

    7th September 2007

    Here’s an excellent description of various methods to handle date and time in Python scripts.


    Posted in Links, Notepad, Programming, Python | No Comments »