3rd February 2017
If you ever need to select lots (hundreds, thousands) of files by their modification date, and your directory contains many more files (thousands, tens of thousands), then angel_il has the answer for you:
- touch -d “Jun 01 00:00 2011″ /tmp/.date1
- enter into your BIG dir
- press C-x ! (External panelize)
- add new command like a “find . -type f \( -newer /tmp/.date1 \) -print”
I’ve used a slightly different approach, specifying desired date right in the command line of External Panelize:
- enter your directory with many files
- press
C-x !
(External Panelize) - add a command like
find . -type f -newermt "2017-02-01 23:55:00" -print
(man find
for more details)
In both cases, the created panel will only have files matching your search condition.
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30th December 2016
Just one command: sudo btrfs balance start -v -mconvert=dup /toplevel/
where /toplevel/
is your mountpoint of the btrfs root, -v
is there for verbosity (not too verbose, don’t worry), and -mconvert=dup
literally says act on metadata only, convert data profile to DUP.
This will duplicate both metadata and btrfs system data.
Verify with: sudo btrfs fi df /toplevel
Data, single: total=10.00GiB, used=3.88GiB
System, DUP: total=64.00MiB, used=4.00KiB
Metadata, DUP: total=512.00MiB, used=286.18MiB
GlobalReserve, single: total=96.00MiB, used=0.00B
Explanation: on SSDs, mkfs.btrfs creates metadata in single mode (because of widely spread SSD deduplication algorithms negating duplicate entries). However, second copy of metadata increases recovery chances, especially so if your SSD does not deduplicate writes. Hence the desire to add metadata/systemdata duplication after the filesystem is created.
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28th December 2016
Preparing to dismantle my physical server (and move different hosted things to one or more VPS),
I’ve realized that an email server is necessary: to send website-generated emails, and also
receive a few rare contact requests arriving at the websites.
My current email server was configured eons ago, it works well,
but I have no desire to painfully transfer all the configuration…
Better install something new, shiny and exciting, right? 
I had 3 #self-hosted, #mail-server bookmarks:
(Sovereign, the 4th one, was addded after reading more about Mail-in-a-box.)
Here are my notes on what seemed important about these 4.
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Posted in *nix, Comparison, Links, Notepad, Software, Web | 5 Comments »
5th June 2016
A while ago I was looking for GTD/TSW-compatible android app.
I ended up using Trello, Keep, and Calendar.
But I always keep looking for new/improved tools, as right now I feel the best one does not exist…
(If the best one can exist at all – requirements and conditions change all the time, so there is no fixed perfect immovable target.)
I have been contemplating trying out the TSW methodology, but neither Keep nor Trello are quite there yet.
I ended up using Evernote; after recent management changes and actually trying to become profitable it may as well last long enough.
Everything was fine and calm until I have found workflowy yesterday.
In essence, it is very similar to the text-file-based system that I have been using for at least half a year.
Briefly, it is a web-based text editor on steroids, with possibly infinite nesting lists and seemingly full keyboard shortcuts control – no mouse needed.
I recommend that you try the demo – it seems to be fully functional, and there is no need to sign up.
This discovery made me read through pages and pages of this class of software tools.
Here is a very brief summary of my findings: Read the rest of this entry »
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9th May 2016
Another symptom is a message along the lines of
the notebook you are searching in has been moved or renamed since the saved search was created
(which is not true).
I had this problem, and found a solution.
Go to your Evernote on a client where you can edit saved searches (Windows for me),
edit all the searches, and make sure that notebook name is quoted in the search (and also, possibly, with all proper letter cases).
I found this solution by first creating a search from the web-beta interface, it looked like this: notebook:"Mynotebook" tag:1-now
All the crossed-out searches (despite working totally fine on Windows) looked like this: notebook:Mynotebook tag:1-now
or even like this (note the lower-case 1st letter of the notebook name): notebook:mynotebook tag:1-now
After editing saved searches and synchronizing, they all appear (and work) just fine in the beta web-interface.
If you cannot edit your searches right now, there is another workaround: all the saved searches work fine for me from the Shortcuts menu (a star in the left panel).
Hope this helps!
Posted in how-to, Notepad, Software, Web | No Comments »
26th March 2016
Since 2014 I am participating in a local 5km mass-run (with over 15k participants). My time is between nothing special and fairly good. I will run this year as well.
Previously, I did not train systematically. I would start only when it was comfortably warm (mid-late April), running 4-6km 1-3 times a week.
I would also stop training very soon after the run, and definitely stop if it was getting colder (early October).
After every winter, it actually felt like I am starting my training from scratch.
Eventually, I have adopted an 18-session training regimen, which I found to be very easy for me, and also very efficient.
I had also tried to keep training for longer after the run (which is in summer).
This year, thanks to highly-enthusiastic co-workers, we started light jogging already in January.
One of my co-workers has a nearly-full set of gadgets, including a heart-rate monitor, and was keeping his pulse under a certain threshold.
I have only used a very basic Xiaomi Mi Band fitness/sleep tracker before, and got interested in a more quantified self.
After some reading, I have decided to buy a heart-rate monitor.
Here are my requirements for a heart-rate monitor:
- should measure heart-rate well; based on some reading, I’d prefer to have a chest strap: optical pulse measuring is a tad less precise, it may work worse with hairy (man’s) hands, and (for now) I only plan measuring my heart rate when I’m actually running/bicycling, not all day long;
- should be convenient to use – a wrist display is fine, but carrying a smartphone during a run isn’t;
- should not be expensive: I do not know yet how useful it will be to me, so I do not want to spend more than 150 EUR on it, so the likes of Polar V800 are, unfortunately, outside the scope of my comparison…
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28th February 2016
If you want to export Notes to a PDF from LibreOffice Impress 5,
and dutifully set the appropriate checkbox in PDF export dialog,
then you will get all slides twice: first just all the slides as with usual PDF export, and then all the Notes pages.
There is an easy solution to get Notes-only without editing the PDF.
If you have a PDf printer installed (most Linux distributions, and Windows 10), just do File -> Print from Impress,
then under the Print sub-header choose Notes from the Document drop-down (see picture).
Make sure to set the proper paper format for the PDF printer (A4 in my case).
Then print, and save the resulting PDF.
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