13th November 2009
A nice report on the cost of bruteforcing variable-length and variable-complexity passwords using cloud computing services (e.g. Amazon’s EC). There’s a kind of a tutorial in their previous post.
Slow DoS attack with just 1 computer against a number of web servers, including Apache: slowloris. There is a solution for Apache, packaged for RedHat and also available for Debian.
Finally, there’s Go programming language. The most inspiring promise to me personally is the ease of execution parallelization with language’s built-in syntactic constructs. That is something highly desired. Also, I like that it is a compiled language. However, it might be 10%-20% slower than pure C. Let’s see how it grows.
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5th November 2009
ocrodjvu = OCRopus (tesseract) + DJVU
It is a small command-line tool to easily convert your image-only DJVU files into image+text DJVU files. In Debian testing, there are language packages for (in no specific order) German, English, French, Spanish, Vietnamese, Brasilian Portuguese, Dutch, and Italian. The original tesseract-ocr software includes training data & code, so it should be (at least in theory) easy to add more recognition languages.
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31st October 2009
Starting October, 30, there is a 3-week quarantine in all primary and higher bodies of education in Ukraine – to limit the spread of the infection.
A total of 80k people were registered with respiratory infections (not classified by flu type). Several small samples tested for A/H1N1 (which is the cause of swine flu pandemic) indicate that 30-50% of all cases could be swine flu (with other cases being “seasonal flu” – that is, previously known influenza types and subtypes). It is reported that ~37 died since Monday, with symptoms matching those of swine flu. Most of the statistics come from the Western regions of Ukraine, which were the first to face rapid daily temperatures decrease – which could have been the trigger of massive infections.
Today I’ve seen a number of people in Kyiv’s underground railway wearing medical face masks (or just pulling their scarfs up to cover noses). Drug stores were literally stormed for anti-virus medications, immune system stimulators, medical face masks, vitamins, etc.
If not the virus, then panic is definitely in the air. I do not recollect seeing something like that before.
Posted in Life, Misc, Society | No Comments »
27th October 2009
This query performs a table-wide search-and-repalce:
UPDATE `table_name` SET `table_field` = REPLACE(`table_field`,’string to search for and replace’,'replacement string’);
If you need a database-wide search-and-replace, you could try this script (I haven’t tested/used it myself).
Beware of the following gotchas:
- wrong query syntax may ruin the field you are performing replace on, so always backup first!
- be sure to provide “search-for” string as specific as possible, or you will get unexpected replacements (e.g. replacing mini with little will also convert all minivans into littlevans); also, do use WHERE clause when necessary to limit the number of rows modified
- the function in the example is case-sensitive, so replacing all minivans with vehicles won’t replace Minivans. However, I believe there exists a case-insensitive version of REPLACE function
Posted in how-to, Notepad | No Comments »
25th October 2009
Production: see http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-set-up-apache2-with-mod_fcgid-and-php5-on-debian-etch – it is for Debian Etch (which is old-stable), but many of the steps apply equally well to Debian Lenny (current-stable). Also, this is a very basic guide, as if you are going to host multiple sites from multiple clients, you most definitely will need some hosting control panel.
Development: see http://www.ruzee.com/blog/2009/01/apache-virtual-hosts-a-clean-setup-for-php-developers. This setup works very well, unless you need to create several virtual hosts every day – in which case necessary actions could be partially scripted.
Posted in Links, Notepad, PHP, Programming, Software | No Comments »
21st October 2009
If you get this message when opening vignettes:
Error in openPDF(vif) :
getOption(‘pdfviewer’) is ”; please use ‘options(pdfviewer=…)’
and you are tired of running this command every time:
> options(pdfviewer=”okular”)
then you should check if your system-wide Renviron file has proper PDF viewer set:
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in *nix, how-to, Notepad, Software | No Comments »
16th October 2009
PwdHash uses your “single password” to create a site-unique password (by making a one-way hash of your password and the site’s domain).
Although I’m not using “single password for all sites”, PwdHash does look very convenient.
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