6th April 2008
This post provides several links which would be useful for the beginning Drupal developers, or developers deciding which CMS to use as the base for their next project. Also, strengths of Drupal are highlighted.
Intensively working with Drupal during the past two weeks, I find it to be an excellent tool, and also much more than a YACMS.
Now I think that Drupal is also a framework – providing invisible to developer caching, session handling, access control, theming, localization, and more. The minimal effort required to extend already huge Drupal functionality is to write your own module – and, if done right, your module will immediately benefit from all the bonuses Drupal provides.
But Drupal also really shines as a CMS! You can start with a free design theme, and without any PHP knowledge have your custom portal built within a week – with your own hands, if you desire! (Note: “within a week” is true, but only if you already know what exactly you should be doing; learning time is short, but it’s not within that same week.)
What makes Drupal so powerful? I’d say that beautiful core and numerous modules.
What Drupal has to offer?
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31st March 2008
Is that only me, or WordPress is really leaning towards the Drupal ideology?
Here’s what I mean:
- user levels were changed to user roles – just like in Drupal
- now, instead of categories and just recently introduced tags, the word ‘taxonomy’ is used – which is a Drupal slang
- ‘widgets’ work just like ‘blocks’ in Drupal – even style IDs are assigned the same way, e.g. id=”widget subscribe_to_comments_widget”
- (add here the similarity you found yourself)
I wonder, what will be next. PHPTemplate support, as default theming engine?
Or no-backwards-compatibility policy?
Or, best for WP users, advanced Drupal-like caching and throttling techniques?
Posted in CMS, Drupal, Software, Web | 2 Comments »
26th March 2008
drupaldojo.com – at the moment of writing, has 42 video-lessons (screencasts) of developing with Drupal.
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26th March 2008
Drupal technical introduction
It’s quite old, but as it describes core functionality, it should be still actual.
Please comment if you know of any other good high-quality technical Drupal introductions/descriptions.
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10th March 2007
This is a collection of links related to the multiple-language content in Drupal CMS.
i18n module
i18n: Getting the whole thing to work : http://drupal.org/node/81094
Patch: Translations of menu titles and descriptions: http://drupal.org/node/70919
Translated links: http://drupal.org/node/67814
i18n: menu not expanding with URL-Alias: http://drupal.org/node/80820
There was an alternative module to i18n, but I cannot find it at the moment.
Posted in CMS, Drupal, PHP, Programming, Web | No Comments »
6th November 2006
Well, not a news, actually, but this one seems important.
Following the discussions, installation and administrative interface became much simpler, and thus easier for newbies. Other first-impression change is said to be the new default theme, which looks good as well.
I will surely check this new release out very soon, but for now you can try one yourself.
Update: beta-2 is available since November, 28, with over 160 bugs fixed.
Posted in CMS, Drupal, Web | 2 Comments »
8th September 2006
Post last updated: April 18, 2010.
Now there is a Drupal 6.x module available. It is in no way related to the migrate script(s) below.
The newest script version migrates from PHP-Nuke 6.5 to Drupal 5.x.
Download the latest version of the migration script.
In 2002 I set up a PHPNuke-6.0 – based portal. Eventually it died due to the lack of time investments and support from collaborators. Now, when time came to revive the project, I made a search and decided to use Drupal as a base CMS for the portal.
In order to migrate userbase from an old portal to the new Drupal-powered one, and following the topic at drupal.org, I found a script and its modification.
I used it to migrate only users, and made some cosmetic changes:
- added options for custom phpnuke table prefixes
- default user name is now = uname (login), not ‘temp_name’, as before
- I replaced hard-coded links to ‘migrate.php’ with links to $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], so that if you rename the script you don’t have any problems with that
- now forum topics should not be promoted to the main page (changed 1 to 0 as hinted by Alexis)
Finally, I would like to thank both Karthik Kumar for the original script and Alexis Bellido for the 6.0_to_4.7 modification.
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Posted in CMS, Drupal, how-to, PHP, Programming, Web | 77 Comments »