WordPress Drupalization
31st March 2008
Is that only me, or WordPress is really leaning towards the Drupal ideology?
Here’s what I mean:
- user levels were changed to user roles – just like in Drupal
- now, instead of categories and just recently introduced tags, the word ‘taxonomy’ is used – which is a Drupal slang
- ‘widgets’ work just like ‘blocks’ in Drupal – even style IDs are assigned the same way, e.g. id=”widget subscribe_to_comments_widget”
- (add here the similarity you found yourself)
I wonder, what will be next. PHPTemplate support, as default theming engine?
Or no-backwards-compatibility policy?
Or, best for WP users, advanced Drupal-like caching and throttling techniques?
March 31st, 2008 at 12:48
Every CMS, Forum, any code have to do with content should use Taxonomy.
March 31st, 2008 at 12:58
Wow, that’s fast commenting!
I feel endangered of becoming Drupal zealot
, and that’s only after a single Drupal-based web-project.
BTW, new WordPress 2.5 admin interface isn’t quite such an improvement as advertised, IMO. Well, except for even more AJAX here and there.