R script to filter probesets with log-expression values below the lowest spike-in
27th January 2010
Sometimes there is a need to remove all the probesets, which have expression values below the minimal spike-in intensity on the Affymetrix microarray. The reasoning behind this procedure is simple: minimal-expression spike-ins represent the bottom margin of microarray sensitivity, and anything below that margin cannot be reliably quantified – which also means that both fold-change and p-value of expression variance will be unreliable for these probesets.
Here’s a simple R script to do just that. It is abundantly commented, and also contains an optional (commented out) fragment which allows the removal of more low-variance, low-intensity probesets.
Hint: click the “plain text” box header to be able to right-click the code, “Select All”, and then “Copy”.
filter_below_spikes = function(eset) {
# Finds max(lowest) AFFX/spike-in intensity, and removes rows consisting entirely of values below max(lowest).
# @param eset
# ExpressionSet
# @returns
# exprs(ExpressionSet), filtered
# Without Biobase exprs() will not work.
expr = exprs(eset)
# ‘expr’ sample:
# 1
# 1367452_at 10.880208
# 1367453_at 10.554647
cat(nrow(expr), “rows before filtering.\n”)
# Make a vector of spike row names.
spikes = grep(“AFFX”, rownames(expr), value = TRUE)
cat(“Expression matrix has”, length(spikes), “spike-in rows.\n”)
cat(“Summary of spike-in values distribution follows:\n”)
print(summary(expr[spikes, ]))
# Find max(lowest) spike-in values.
minval_max = max(as.double(substr(grep(“Min”, summary(expr[spikes, ]), value = TRUE), 10, 14)))
cat(“max(minimal spike-in log-intensity values) =”, minval_max, “\n”)
# Remove spike-ins from expr.
expr = expr[grep("AFFX", rownames(expr), value = TRUE, invert = TRUE), ]
nospike_rows = nrow(expr)
cat(nospike_rows, “rows remaining after the removal of”, length(spikes), “spike-in probesets.\n”)
# Optional: calculate max(SD) of all removed rows.
#bad_sds_max = max(apply(expr[!apply((expr > minval_max), 1, any),], 1, sd))
# Now remove all rows, where each value is <= minval_max.
expr = expr[!apply((expr <= minval_max), 1, all), ]
cat(nrow(expr), "rows remaining after filtering out", nospike_rows - nrow(expr), "probesets with all values below", minval_max, "\n")
#cat(bad_sds_max, "is max(SD) of all", nospike_rows - nrow(expr), "filtered probesets with all values below", minval_max, "\n")
# Optional: Remove *some* of the rows, which have at least one value below minval_max, and row_SD <= bad_sds_max.
#pre_final_rows = nrow(expr)
#expr = expr[(apply(expr, 1, sd) > bad_sds_max) | (apply(expr, 1, min) > minval_max), ]
#cat(pre_final_rows-nrow(expr), “rows with SD <=", bad_sds_max, "and min(row) <=", minval_max, "were removed.\n")
#cat(nrow(expr), "final rows returned.\n")
Sample use:
> source(“script.R”)
> expr.filtered = filter_below_spikes(eset)
Comments and suggestions are welcome.