22nd December 2007
The IT Crowd is a British sitcom.
I greatly enjoyed both seasons (a total of 12 episodes).
Though somewhat and sometimes primitive, The IT Crowd is highly enjoyable and recommended for watching.
Posted in Movies | 1 Comment »
21st December 2007
Today, using memtest86, system speed test, hddspeed and some other DOS utilities for diagnosing and testing PC hardware, I decided to put together my own simple bootable utility CD disk. But first, I did some searching to find if something similar exists.
It does exist – Ultimate boot CD. That CD has numerous freeware testing and diagnosing utilities which will help you – if you are up to some good old (read “small fast”) DOS utilities. And not that old, actually – modern hardware is supported.
The only modification I’ll do to the Ultimate boot CD will be adding freeware bin/hex viewer/editor. Surely, more utils to come – with original size of just 115MB, there’s plenty of room to add extensions. You can even extend the CD image with non-free software, like Partition Magic.
P.S. To diagnose and fix software problems – have a look at System Rescue CD.
Posted in Hardware, Links, Notepad, Software | 1 Comment »
9th December 2007
Quite an entertaining story:
SCIgen at wikipedia
SCIgen tool
SCIgen blog
Finally, just a useful resource if you need a shiny name for your brand-new 2.0-beta project: anagram server.
Posted in Humour, Links, Science | 1 Comment »