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    Practical Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    25th June 2007

    Googling for “practical artificial intelligence” gives only two (somewhat) relevant links:

    Looks like it isn’t widely acknowledged, that AI is, in fact, quite widely used. Though primarily in OCR, TTS, STT :), and NLP (including machine translation).


    Posted in Artificial Intelligence, Links, Programming, Science | 5 Comments »

    Check rw-mounted linux filesystem without reboot

    25th June 2007

    If you happen to need to check your linux filesystem, which is mounted read-write, and for some reason you do not want to reboot, then the simple sequence of commands listed below should help you. Note, that the commands provided put you into single-user mode, which kills web-server and mysql daemon.

    So, running e2fsck on a live (mounted) filesystem isn’t recommended – and f2sck asks if you really want to check the rw-mounted FS (be sure to answer ‘n’o). If the FS you want to check is root (/), you cannot also re-mount it read-only – unless first you go to single-user mode:

    init 1

    Now you can re-mount your FS read-only:

    mount -o ro,remount /dev/cobd0

    (/dev/cobd0 is my device, replace it for your device when repeating step-by-step).
    Filesystem is now read-only, and it’s safe to run e2fsck:

    e2fsck -D -C 0 -f -t -v /dev/cobd0

    e2fsck options are optional:
    -D: optimize directory structure
    -C 0: show progress
    -f: force check (use if you get “volume is clean” with no check)
    -t: e2fsck timing statistics
    -v: verbose mode

    Finally, return to your previous user mode:

    init 3


    Posted in *nix, Notepad, OS | No Comments »

    How to make PEAR work from behind an HTTP proxy (Windows and Linux)

    31st May 2007

    Earlier in one of my posts (Using PEAR HTTP_Client or HTTP_Request with HTTP proxy) I gave an example of using PEAR HTTP_Client and/or HTTP_Request from behind an http proxy. However, I didn’t tell how to make PEAR itself work properly from behind an HTTP proxy (e.g., for online operations like “pear upgrade-all”).

    So here’s that tiny missing bit of information.

    Launch regedit, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment, and create a string value called PHP_PEAR_HTTP_PROXY. Modify that new value to hold the string like: http://proxy_username:proxy_password@proxy_server_address:proxy_port.

    In the Terminal/Konsole, execute (for a system-wide pear configuration)

    sudo pear config-set http_proxy http://proxy_username:proxy_password@proxy_server_address:proxy_port

    If your proxy password has symbols, special for the shell (e.g. question or exclamation mark) – enclose full proxy specifications with single-quotes, e.g.

    sudo pear config-set http_proxy ‘http://proxy_username:proxy_password@proxy_server_address:proxy_port’

    If your HTTP proxy server does not require authentication, then use http://proxy_server_address:proxy_port instead.

    I think the strings are completely self-explanatory; however, here’s an example of proxy (with authentication) specification: http://john.smith:CrAzYP433WoRd@


    Posted in Misc, PHP, Programming | No Comments »

    Windows memory management unveiled

    28th May 2007

    I enjoyed this article, while trying to make the R environment on Windows process some 16 microarrays, using some memory-intensive algorithm… Well, after several hours of processing and gradually increasing the memory use, R script failed with memory-allocation error.

    It’s interesting, but running the same script in Topologilinux, launched from within Windows, did the trick. Though being a simulated environment, it was slower, and page-swapping was really heavy with only 0.5GB memory.


    Posted in Links, OS, Programming | No Comments »

    Radical Alternative to caching: On-the-fly Content-Regeneration

    23rd May 2007

    Refreshing my scarce knowledge of Apache’s mod-rewrite, I read through the mod_rewrite guide, and found an extremely interesting section, titled

    On-the-fly Content-Regeneration

    Here’s the theoretical problem:

    1. we are building a high-traffic site with lots of once-per-(hour|day) updated items
    2. we have a CMS with just all the features we need, but it’s really CPU/DB-consuming and slow (does it sound familiar? :) )
    3. there’s a need to serve static files

    And here’s the ‘radical alternative’ solution:

    1. install the CMS of choice
    2. tweak the CMS’s output layer to both produce/write to disk (or update) static HTML files, and to dump those same pages directly to browser
    3. use the “On-the-fly Content-Regeneration” mod_rewrite rules set

    This is it, in short. The “On-the-fly Content-Regeneration” will read the static files if they exist, or will query the CMS, which will create/update the static files and output the necessary page. You can also setup a cron-job to remove all static files older than XX minutes, to force content refresh.

    Below is the copy of “On-the-fly Content-Regeneration” from the mod_rewrite guide.
    Read the rest of this entry »


    Posted in CMS, Links, Notepad, Programming, Web | No Comments »

    Directory-based random image rotation PHP script

    23rd May 2007

    Yesterday I needed to put together a rather simple PHP script: it would read the contents of a single pre-configured directory, and randomly select up to a pre-configured number of files. These files were images, and were just dumped as IMG tags into the webpage. I came up with a solution, shown below.

    The script is simple, but still it’s easier to use the ready solution than to write your own :).
    It is heavily commented, and should be easy to understand.
    Read the rest of this entry »


    Posted in PHP, Programming, Web | No Comments »

    Executing and checking background shell process from PHP

    23rd May 2007

    Found a nicely illustrated method for running a background shell command from PHP and continuously checking if the process is still running.

    Here’s sample code without explanations:

    1. function run_in_background($Command, $Priority = 0)
    2. {
    3.  if($Priority)
    4.   $PID = shell_exec("nohup nice -n $Priority $Command 2> /dev/null & echo $!");
    5.  else
    6.   $PID = shell_exec("nohup $Command 2> /dev/null & echo $!");
    7.  return($PID);
    8. }
    10. function is_process_running($PID)
    11. {
    12.  exec("ps $PID", $ProcessState);
    13.  return(count($ProcessState) >= 2);
    14. }

    To run something like hmmsearch from the HMMER package, you’d do this:

    1. echo("Running hmmsearch. . .")
    2. $ps = run_in_background("hmmsearch $hmmfile $fastafile > $outfile");
    3. while(is_process_running($ps))
    4. {
    5.  echo(" . ");
    6.  ob_flush();flush();
    7.  sleep(1);
    8. }

    Posted in Links, PHP, Programming | 8 Comments »