13th September 2006
Sitting late in the night in front of my PC, and doing something boring, I stumbled upon the albinoblacksheep website. The two things I read were Cyber Sex (with a kind of follow-up) and probably old but anyway funny Automation: A Way of the Past – I liked that, so here’re the links .
And if you’re Star Wars fan – you MUST watch ASCII Star Wars, for the Force to stay with you
I didn’t read anything else there, but looks like a funny resource.
Hope you will enjoy
Posted in Notepad, Web | No Comments »
4th September 2006
This plugin is expected to increase the coverage of your blog by Google. You will have to register for the google sitemaps tool (which is free), that will be easy if you gmail account. In short, sitemaps let google know which pages your blog/website has, so that it can crawl everything (read more).
This plugin automatically generates blog sitemap each time you create/update a post or a page. This is a must-have plugin, especially if you’re crazy about SEO
Posted in Notepad, WP PlugIns | No Comments »
2nd August 2006
This is the plugin you may find useful if you want to keep visitors to your blog for more than just one-post-reading-time. This plugin will provide to the user entries, which have some common/similar words in the post/page title.
Installation is as always easy. Most probably you will want to put these ‘related entries’ into yours ‘sidebar.php’ or ‘right-sidebar.php’ (if you have one), and your code may well look like this (I assume that in ‘Plugins’->’Related Posts Options’ you set the pre/post tags to ‘<li>’ and ‘</li>’):
<?php if ( is_single() || is_page() ) { ?>
<li><h2>Related entries</h2></li>
<?php related_posts(); ?>
<?php } ?>
The block of PHP code above the actual insert determines whether blog visitor is on the post page or blog page – this way ‘related entries’ will not be shown in listing pages. If you want, you can leave only is_single() in place, for related entries to appear only in posts, and not in pages.
Finally, plugin home is: http://www.w-a-s-a-b-i.com/archives/2006/02/02/wordpress-related-entries-20/
If you want your visitors, arriving from the wrong or just outdated links to find what they might be looking for, it will be a good idea to check Related posts for your 404. That plugin adds an extra function related_posts_404(), which you should put into your ’404.php’ template file. Now, when someone gets to your 404 page, they might as well get a list of close hits from your blog, and stay longer.
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