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    Archive for February, 2017

    Midnight Commander: panelize or select all files newer than specified date

    3rd February 2017

    If you ever need to select lots (hundreds, thousands) of files by their modification date, and your directory contains many more files (thousands, tens of thousands), then angel_il has the answer for you:

    1. touch -d “Jun 01 00:00 2011″ /tmp/.date1
    2. enter into your BIG dir
    3. press C-x ! (External panelize)
    4. add new command like a “find . -type f \( -newer /tmp/.date1 \) -print”

    I’ve used a slightly different approach, specifying desired date right in the command line of External Panelize:

    1. enter your directory with many files
    2. press C-x ! (External Panelize)
    3. add a command like find . -type f -newermt "2017-02-01 23:55:00" -print (man find for more details)

    In both cases, the created panel will only have files matching your search condition.


    Posted in *nix, Notepad | No Comments »