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    New bioinformatics term: (high-) throughputomics

    16th July 2008

    Just made it up for convenience, stimulated by reading workshop descriptions for the upcoming ICSB 2008 in Gothenburg, Sweden.

    Here is formal definition:

    the term is used to denote/mention any or all of the modern high-throughput techniques (in all of, but not limited to: genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, …), together with derived/applicable data-processing approaches. All the “networks” things also conveniently fall into the high-throughputomics definition

    As this is a general term, it might be even suitable as a conference title (but NOT for ICSB, which I’m waiting for eagerly).

    For a shorter and informal (spoken-only) term, putomics can be used:

    spoken-only, informal short form of high-throughputomics

    Putomics is also conveniently similar to “computation” (computomics):

    application of computer hardware and software for the analysis of massive amounts of data, obtained using high-throughput methods; this is a research sub-field of high-throughputomics

    P.S. :) ;)
    For easier citing:

    Tokovenko, Bogdan. New bioinformatics term: high-throughputomics. 2008-07-16. URL: Accessed: 2008-07-16. (Archived by WebCite® at


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