Autarchy of the Private Cave

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    Search and replace in a MySQL table

    27th October 2009

    This query performs a table-wide search-and-repalce:

    UPDATE `table_name` SET `table_field` = REPLACE(`table_field`,’string to search for and replace’,'replacement string’);

    If you need a database-wide search-and-replace, you could try this script (I haven’t tested/used it myself).

    Beware of the following gotchas:

    1. wrong query syntax may ruin the field you are performing replace on, so always backup first!
    2. be sure to provide “search-for” string as specific as possible, or you will get unexpected replacements (e.g. replacing mini with little will also convert all minivans into littlevans); also, do use WHERE clause when necessary to limit the number of rows modified
    3. the function in the example is case-sensitive, so replacing all minivans with vehicles won’t replace Minivans. However, I believe there exists a case-insensitive version of REPLACE function

    Posted in how-to, Notepad | No Comments »

    COTRASIF: conservation-aided transcription factor binding site finder

    20th May 2008

    With this post, I’m finally announcing the opening of the (mostly) functional COTRASIF web-tool, created for the genome-wide identification of promoter regulatory sequences (transcription factor binding sits, TFBS). You can learn more from the About and Help pages. For an example of use, see the Supplement page (article is currently being prepared; as soon as it’s ready, I’ll make it available).

    If you are interested – have a look at the News page, where there is information on joining COTRASIF Google group. For non-public enquiries, please use my contact page.

    Note: the problem of identifying eukaryotic transcription factor binding sites stays acute for many years in a row – see e.g. the most recent Eukaryotic transcription factor binding sites – modelling and integrative search methods.


    Posted in Bioinformatics, Links, Science, Software, Web | 6 Comments »

    Ukrainian web-portal switched from own free email service to gmail

    30th October 2007

    Just a minute ago, I was shocked after logging in to instead of the bigmir’s own, HTML-only email interface, I got redirected at the gmail’s “Terms and conditions”, after accepting which I found my emails in the classic gmail mailbox.

    First thing to think about: at least they did transfer all my emails to the new account.

    Second: hey, they had given up their own email interface! Are they leaving the web-portal market of Ukraine? Was the part of their team (which later formed MI6) too important to handle their exodus with no consequences? Is that just a desire to give customers “better” interface and not invest anything into development?

    I hope this won’t be a trend, for every service to have Google behind their servers. Or even just behind the name, to avoid extra complexity of having a server.

    Finally, I think I’ll get used. But it was only yesterday, that I read the Google anti-utopia, where Big Brother’s name is (evidently) Google, and it’s webcams and microphones and search history define each person’s future AND guilt. Scary…

    And I wonder which will be the next service of, “outsourced” like their email.


    Posted in Misc, Web | No Comments »