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    Date and time in Python scripts

    7th September 2007

    Here’s an excellent description of various methods to handle date and time in Python scripts.


    Posted in Links, Notepad, Programming, Python | No Comments »

    Elegantly converting Python list into another list with changed items

    30th August 2007

    I just had a small problem with my Python script:

    1. I have a list of tuples, called records_cache; each tuple looks like this:
    (note: for copy-pasting, click the PLAIN TEXT box headers)

    1. (ensembl_transcript_id, ensembl_gene_id, chrom_start, chrom_end, utr_start, utr_end, sequence, strand)

    2. I need to INSERT only some of those values into MySQL table, using the MySQLdb executemany() method. The values I need are utr_start, utr_end, ensembl_gene_id (in exactly this order).

    To do this, I need to create another list of tuples, but with shorter 3-item tuples. Let us call the new list genes_update.

    Here is the elegant, though probably not the most efficient, solution:
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    Posted in Programming, Python | 1 Comment »

    Is the force with you?

    12th August 2007

    Today, after starting ./configure to make one of the programs, I noticed this in the logs:
    is the Force with you? configure will tell!

    I don’t know what is that intended to mean, but this is definitely funny: configure script, able to detect if the Force is with Skywalker…


    Posted in Humour, Programming | No Comments »

    Non-Programmer’s Tutorial for Python

    12th August 2007

    Non-Programmer’s Tutorial for Python


    Posted in Links, Programming, Python | No Comments »

    Python: iterate (and read) all files in a directory (folder)

    12th August 2007

    To iterate through all the files within the specified directory (folder), with ability to use wildcards (*, ?, and [ ]-style ranges), use the following code snippet:
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    Posted in Programming, Python | 39 Comments »

    Geany source installation error: “ file format not recognized; treating as linker script”

    10th August 2007

    Today I was looking for some simple but convenient source-code editor. I came across this post, and decided to try Geany. I’m using Slackware 11 at the moment, and as there were no packages available, I downloaded Geany source to compile and install.

    However, the ‘configure’ script failed. When trying to compile ‘conftest.c’ with gcc, the following error was produced: file format not recognized; treating as linker script

    (Note 1: in the error above, I removed all the paths which were prepended to the actual error message.)
    (Note 2: I suspect that this error is the result of incomplete/failed/erroneous update of glibc slackware package I attempted a while ago. Will have to fix that more properly than described below.)

    Here’s the solution which helped me to install Geany successfully:
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    Posted in *nix, Programming, Software | 4 Comments »

    How to convert between utf8 and cp-1251 without iconv or mbstring

    8th July 2007

    This helped me, maybe it will help you: How to convert between utf8 and cp1251 without iconv
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    Posted in Links, PHP, Programming, Web | No Comments »