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    PHP-Nuke 6.0/6.5 to Drupal 4.7.x/5.x migration (conversion)

    8th September 2006

    Post last updated: April 18, 2010.

    Now there is a Drupal 6.x module available. It is in no way related to the migrate script(s) below.

    The newest script version migrates from PHP-Nuke 6.5 to Drupal 5.x.
    Download the latest version of the migration script.

    In 2002 I set up a PHPNuke-6.0 – based portal. Eventually it died due to the lack of time investments and support from collaborators. Now, when time came to revive the project, I made a search and decided to use Drupal as a base CMS for the portal.
    In order to migrate userbase from an old portal to the new Drupal-powered one, and following the topic at, I found a script and its modification.
    I used it to migrate only users, and made some cosmetic changes:

    • added options for custom phpnuke table prefixes
    • default user name is now = uname (login), not ‘temp_name’, as before
    • I replaced hard-coded links to ‘migrate.php’ with links to $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], so that if you rename the script you don’t have any problems with that :)
    • now forum topics should not be promoted to the main page (changed 1 to 0 as hinted by Alexis)

    Finally, I would like to thank both Karthik Kumar for the original script and Alexis Bellido for the 6.0_to_4.7 modification.
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    Posted in CMS, Drupal, how-to, PHP, Programming, Web | 77 Comments »

    Allow posting duplicate form-name entries with different values

    6th September 2006

    Sometimes, writing automatic HTML forms processors, you need to post several values with the same name of the form field, e.g.:
    collection_gene = str_chrom_name
    collection_gene = gene_stable_id

    This is against the RFC on form fields design and submitting, but this approach is used – for example, by Ensembl. I spent some time to figure out how to make HTTP_Client and HTTP_Request submit multiple ‘name-value’ pairs instead of one (the latest defined, which overrides the previous). The solution is extremely simple:
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    Posted in Bioinformatics, how-to, PHP, Programming, Science | No Comments »

    Avoiding out of memory fatal error when using HTTP_Client or HTTP_Request

    6th September 2006

    If you fetch large amounts of data (e.g. over 2MB per request) using HTTP_Client (or HTTP_request), you may get “out of memory” fatal errors, especially if:

    1. memory_limit is set to default 8M, and
    2. you process multiple pages using single non-reset instance of HTTP_Client object.

    This problem can manifest itself by producing fatal error after a couple of cycles of successful page retrieval – but always, if run with the same parameters, after some constant or only slightly variable number of cycles.

    In my case the problem was that HTTP_Request (a dependancy of HTTP_Client) was holding in memory all the previously fetched pages of the current session (the ‘history’ feature). To force HTTP_Request to hold only the most recent page, you need to ‘disable’ history after creating the HTTP_Client or HTTP_Request object instance:

    1. $req = &new HTTP_Client($params, $headers);
    2. // disable history to save memory
    3. $req->enableHistory(false);

    Hope this helps you.


    Posted in Bioinformatics, how-to, PHP, Programming, Science | No Comments »

    Using PEAR HTTP_Client or HTTP_Request with HTTP proxy

    6th September 2006

    If you happen to write PHP script, which uses either HTTP_Client or its dependancy HTTP_Request from PEAR, and the script is supposed to work through the HTTP proxy – here are the sample settings you need:

    1. $params['proxy_user'] = 'proxy_username';
    2. $params['proxy_pass'] = 'proxy_password';
    3. $params['proxy_host'] = 'proxy_hostname_or_ip';
    4. $params['proxy_port'] = 8080; // 3128, ...
    6. // I assume $headers were set somewhere else
    7. $req = &new HTTP_Client($params, $headers);

    If your proxy does not need authorization – just drop the proxy_user and proxy_pass parameters.


    Posted in how-to, PHP, Programming | 1 Comment »