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    Pentium M vs Pentium 4 performance comparison using Super Pi

    2nd January 2007

    Recently I was asked to measure the performance of my LG LM70 Express notebook (configuration 32HR or something like this). As I like small programs, I grabbed Super Pi and ran it:

    Pentium-M 730 1.6GHz Super Pi results

    The person who asked me ran exactly the same Super Pi test on three more systems, but for 2M digits only:
    his Dell notebook with Pentium M 740 1.73GHz: 1:49
    some Pentium 4 3GHz down-clocked to 2.7GHz: 1:50
    some other Pentium 4 at 2.8GHz: 1:47

    That was a kind of an interesting trend here, so I ran Super Pi at work on yet another Pentium 4 3Ghz:
    with HT (Hyper-Threading) enabled:

    3 GHz with HT Super Pi

    and with HT disabled (and no test for 32M digits):

    3 GHz no HT Super Pi

    As expected, disabling HT slightly improved times – Super Pi has a single calculating thread, and with no HT gets more actual CPU time.

    Well… It might be possible that Pentium M is a cool CPU, or Pentium 4 is poor :) , at the same frequency.

    Comments are welcome.

    Note: no efforts were made to ensure that measuring/testing conditions, both hardware and software, are similar. Some tests were run with Super Pi at “High” process priority, some at “Normal”. Actual FSB frequencies, memory latencies etc were not checked.

    Update: see this benchmarking report for more details on Pentium M vs Pentium 4.


    One Response to “Pentium M vs Pentium 4 performance comparison using Super Pi”

    1. LG Express LM70-32HR Notebook: Impressions » Autarchy of the Private Cave Says:

      [...] Pentium M vs Pentium 4 performance comparison using Super Pi [...]

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